Women’s Ministry

Growing women closer to the Lord.

Redeemer’s Women’s Ministry seeks to grow women closer to the Lord through the three core principles shared by all Redeemer ministries:

  • Gospel — an essential focus on God’s Word
  • Community — placing importance on Biblical fellowship and accountability
  • Mission — sharing the good news of Christ with neighbors and the world

Redeemer desires that the women of RCC would live out these principles as they grow, encourage, and disciple one another in Christ. Some of the specific ways we do this which serve as opportunities for women to get involved include:

Ladies’ Fellowship

A monthly meeting for fellowship, teaching, prayer, and refreshments.

Gathering Dinners

Every quarter, the Women’s Ministry hosts The Gathering. This is where women gather in various homes for a time of dinner, fellowship, and a study/discussion time that encourages transparency and Biblical growth. 

Refresh Women’s Bible Study

Our Refresh ministry is a weekly Bible study for women. Childcare is available for children of all ages.

Spring and Fall Retreats

We have a yearly one-night retreat in the spring and an overnight retreat in the fall, where we can worship, fellowship, and become refreshed through God’s word with God’s people.

Find your place to believe and belong.

Redeemer 101 is a Friday evening and Saturday morning where you learn how you can get connected. Come hear about our vision, ministries, and where you fit in.

Come worship Christ and find community this Sunday